Challenges in Nursing and Solutions

Challenges in Nursing and Solutions

The most fulfilling and challenging career in healthcare is nursing.

A typical shift lasts 12 hours, and within this time frame, nurses are often overloaded.

Reasons include shortages in staffing, risk of infection, workplace bullying, and experiencing the loss of a patient.

These things are often hard to bear regardless of expertise or professional experience.

Because nurses are important to healthcare and wellness, we'd like to look at some issues they experience and provide solutions for overcoming them.

1. Underpaid And Overworked

Many nurses believe that their hourly pay is too little, given the demands they face.

Standards and laws governing nurse-to-patient ratios must be followed by hospitals and nursing homes alike.

The standard of care you're offering may suffer if you work more hours than you should or do the work of two nurses.

Your personal health may be in danger due to this struggle since exhaustion can strike suddenly.


It's important to speak up and bring any issues to the attention of the administrators.

Inform them that healthcare institutions need to implement the right practices to support nurses.

By fostering a supportive workplace, employers should empower their nurses.

You ought to receive the right compensation for the effort you put in.

Healthy work environments are good for you.

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of your hour-long break to recharge.

Advocate for healthy and safe practices in the health institution.

You may also bargain for advancements and compensation increases.

By speaking up, you’re assisting in the creation of a working culture in which nurses can report issues without being afraid of reprisals.

2. Difficult Shifts

The most difficult nursing challenge for some is working in an unsafe environment where patient care can frequently be jeopardized.

For example, nurses frequently encounter substandard care delivery in hospitals and in homes.

This has a detrimental impact on the nurse's health as well as how well they perform throughout the shift, which causes stress to develop and makes the nurse reluctant to come back to work.


The line manager should be your initial point of contact.

Nurses face a variety of workplace dangers, therefore, we urge you to remain attentive and informed.

Work with your coworkers and supervisors to keep an eye out for one another.

Engage and talk with your union rep if you believe an issue needs to be addressed, but you aren't being acknowledged by your managers, employers, or organization.

Employers have an obligation to care for their employees.

3. Shift Cancellations

If you work as a private nurse, you may have experienced a shift cancellation at the last minute.

This can be due to various factors, such as an internal worker covering the shift.

This might be quite upsetting since it may interfere with your job goals and expectations.


Create a good connection with your employer so as to express your grievances and reduce the likelihood of such an incident repeating itself.

Once they're familiar with you and you both trust each other, a decrease in such occurrences will surely occur.

Keep a cheerful attitude and consider the advantages of your freelance work.

Even while it could occasionally happen, you nevertheless have the flexibility and independence to work when and how you choose around commitments.

Even if you skip work one day, you can probably make it up later in the week.

4. Professional Burnout and Anxiety

Working long hours and getting little sleep might have varied effects on different people.

Nurses frequently feel burnout and exhaustion as a result of long shifts and, at times, back-to-back shifts.

This can lead to them making medical errors while on duty.

As it may result in the inability to work and can lead to depression, this is another nursing difficulty that needs to be avoided at all cost.


Ensure that you get enough rest and relaxation before your workweek begins by getting about 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, eating a balanced diet, and having some well-earned downtime for yourself.

Take long walks to help you relax your mind.

Maintain a solid and stable work/life balance. You can schedule activities during your off days to help you connect with your loved ones.

Most importantly, nurses must look after themselves!

For some, quitting a full-time job and opting for a temporary one is a lifestyle change that allows them to avoid burnout and continue working by setting their terms and working at the right pace, thus avoiding fatigue.

5 . Feeling Lonely And Isolated

When going from one shift to the next or moving from one home to the other, it's possible to feel alienated and like an "outsider," whether you’re working with an agency or as an independent nurse.

This is common in places with permanent staff.

This may be discouraging and poses several problems to nurses, which can have a bad influence on their mental health and their shifts.


We urge you to communicate openly with the local nursing communities, be it in local peer meetings, Facebook groups, or other online forums.

Sharing your feelings and experiences is helpful, but it may also allow people to empathize and share good practices with you.

Continue to connect with your coworkers throughout your shifts and maintain a positive, approachable attitude.


Nursing problems can arise in any setting, whether you’re a regular employee or work via an agency.

Many of these problems, however, can be solved with the correct methods and an optimistic attitude.

Building close relationships in order to create meaningful changes in a permanent role are the solution for some nurses.

Others find that temporary work provides them with independence and a feeling of control in order to prevent burnout.

Every nurse is different, and it's crucial to figure out which tactics and work-style fit you best.