Medical Professionals – Building Confidence At Work

Given the many pressures and demands placed on those in the healthcare industry, it’s not uncommon for medical professionals to feel insecure and experience self-doubt about their abilities. After all, it’s a workplace in which one small mistake could have devastating results. Yet confidence is one of the most critical elements of success as a healthcare provider. Whether you’re new to the industry or are just in a bit of a slump in your career, here are a few ways you can get your mojo back, develop more confidence and ultimately perform at your very best.
Accept that you are human.
Start by acknowledging your shortcomings and limitations. Identify your particular areas of struggle. And most importantly, accept that you are human and will occasionally make mistakes. When you take an honest look at yourself and openly admit your weaknesses, you’ll also begin to see the strengths you have to offer as well. Additionally, you will know in what areas you should seek assistance, support and mentoring.
Be realistic.
Are you a professional perfectionist? Are you holding yourself to standards that are nearly impossible to meet? If so, it’s time to take a step back and give yourself a break. You will never be perfect, so try to be realistic and don’t beat yourself up when you make a mistake. Set goals for improvement that are actually achievable. As you work toward and accomplish those goals, your confidence will naturally grow.
Practice active listening.
One way that medical professionals build confidence at work is to take the time to fully engage those with whom they are working at any given moment – including colleagues and patients. If your natural tendency is to speak quickly or start formulating your response while the other person is still talking, it’s time to work on your communication skills. By actively listening and devoting your full attention to the other party, you’ll be able to better understand the situation and gather the information you need to make clear, confident decisions.
Focus on your body language.
In many instances, physical acts can influence feelings and emotions. If you are feeling insecure, try consciously practicing confident body language. Make eye contact. Stand still and avoid fidgeting. Pull your shoulders back, lift your chin and take a deep breath. Move in a calm, relaxed manner rather than rushing around. Doing these things gives the outward appearance of confidence and, over time, that behavior can begin to shift how you’re actually feeling on the inside.
Be a work in progress.
As mentioned, nobody is perfect and if you’ve practiced the first tip listed above, you’ve already identified what your particular weaknesses happen to be. Challenge yourself to work toward improving those areas of struggle. If there’s a certain procedure that makes you feel uneasy or unsure about your own abilities, take extra time to work on it – whether it’s going through checklists, making and studying notes or actually practicing hands-on. One by one, you’ll be able to overcome those feelings of insecurity and develop the confidence you need to be the best health care provider you can be.
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