Memory-Boosting Tips to Help You Succeed in the Medical Field

After completing years of memorizing terminology, details of what makes a healthy human body, numerous medical conditions, treatment procedures, you're now working in the field.

While working in your healthcare setting, you need to put what you’ve learned into practice. However, how can you possibly remember every fine detail covered in your education?

Suppose you don’t encounter every medical condition covered in your schooling.

In that case, you may find it more challenging to recall the complicated terms, medication titles, steps to follow for specific procedures, and so on.

While you may feel discouraged, keep in mind that this is very natural.

It’s nearly impossible to retain every detail in your field, which is why research is so important for medical professionals.

On the other hand, there are some strategies you can implement that can strengthen your memory skills to save you time and confusion in the field.

You’ll find yourself working more efficiently as you don’t need to commit as much time looking up terms or medical details when treating a patient.

This will be valuable when dealing with common issues that you’ll regularly face in your setting.

For example, if you work in a nursing home, you won’t need to continually research your patient’s basic medications because you remember all the components, side effects, and other features.

You can provide answers, advice, and necessary treatment on the spot.

A strong memory will also help with your record-keeping, as you’ll retain more information and create detailed patient documentation.

With improved memory, you’ll also notice your own enhanced productivity levels.

Like other muscles in your body, if you exercise your brain regularly, you’ll improve its retention and response abilities to help you thrive in the medical field.

Here are some ways to train your brain to improve your memory skills:

Adjust Your Diet

The foods you digest can have a heavy impact on your cognitive abilities.

Studies have proven that some foods could impair memory functioning, while others could improve it.

Here are some items you could remove from your diet for better brain health:

  • High-sugar foods
  • Processed foods with artificial ingredients
  • Butter
  • Fried, greasy food
  • Salty food
  • Cheese
  • Red meat

These items in your diet have been connected with lower brain volumes, leaving less room for your brain to hold onto information for recollection while in the field.

While you’ll want to reduce consumption of the above items, some foods are known to improve your memory functioning.

Like the MIND diet, some diets include foods known to reduce cognitive functioning delays for easier information processing and heightened retention abilities.

Try including these foods in your diet:

  • Greens, leafy vegetables, and other plant-based foods
  • Legumes
  • Natural oils
  • Fatty fish
  • Poultry
  • Whole grains

Drinking water is also helpful for brain cell health and memory.

You should stay regularly hydrated for overall organ functioning.


Physical activity will improve your mental activity, too.

When you move your body and get your blood pumping, your brain receives more oxygen for healthier cell regeneration.

This will improve your retention abilities and expand storage capacity in your brain.

Exercise is also effective for improving your energy levels and alertness, which will help you recall information that you’ve collected over time.


Meditation is a useful mindfulness practice that enhances brain functioning.

It requires intense focus while calming your physiology.

Frequent meditation practice, like once a day, can improve your cognitive resilience, which helps with long and short-term memory, improving concentration levels, and maintaining brain health over time.

Sleep Well

Getting enough sleep is essential for your cognitive functioning.

Your brain needs time to restore its cells while organizing and sorting all the information you’ve absorbed in the day.

This happens when your brain enters deep sleep stages. Experts recommend fitting 7-9 hours of sleep nightly for maintaining your overall health.

Trust Your Mind

Often, if you try to remember a fact or detail from your past, your immediate instinct may be to look it up in a search engine.

As you enter your car, you plug an address into your GPS before trying to remember the directions on your own.

While looking for answers when you don’t have them in mind helps speed up processes and avoid making errors, allow your mind a moment, and try to access the information first.

Start small with skipping the GPS and leaving your home early, so you have a little time to get lost on your way to a nearby destination.

However, you may surprise yourself with what you remember when you trust your mind.

As you start counting on your memory and practicing it more, you’ll find yourself able to determine treatment solutions or understand your patient’s conditions from your own recollection rather than needing to search online.

Train Your Brain

You can implement regular brain-enhancing activities to your routine to practice your memory skills and build your cognitive functioning.

Try playing games and puzzles focused on brain storage and organization abilities.

You’ll find yourself able to recall more information in the field as these activities expand your brain’s storage capacity.

Learn Something New

Learning is an effective way to keep expanding your mind and elevate your retention and focus levels.

Most learning requires memorizing more information or facts, which helps exercise your cognitive functioning for improved memory skills.

Try learning a new skill like another language, playing a musical instrument, or a creative hobby.

As you try these activities, your brain will have to practice focus and holding onto new information.

By learning something new in your medical field, you can practice your memory skills while gaining new certifications that could help you thrive in your career.

ProMed Certifications offers online ACLS, PALS, BLS, and CPR training so that you can earn these valuable certifications from the comfort of your home.

ProMed understands that your time is valuable as a medical professional, which is why you have a 100% money-back guarantee.

Expand your cognitive functioning and start learning with ProMed today.