The Future Of Nursing

The nursing profession is inexorable. Nurses are the unsung heroes in the healthcare system, serving as caregivers for everyone in need of care around the globe. They’re a cornerstone of our society.

So, how will nursing continue to develop in the future?

There Will Always Be A Significant Need For Nurses

It isn't news that there’s a nurse shortage in the healthcare system and that the situation isn't expected to improve very soon. By 2030, around a million retiring nurses will leave behind a sizable gap in experience and knowledge. Healthcare institutions will be left with a deficit that will be felt for many years after many RNs retire.

The aging population is another issue that will make the nursing shortage worse. The need for RNs will soar as the boomer generation ages and needs more care. It has thus never been more advantageous to get into nursing.

The Need For Family Nurses Will Increase

Nurse practitioners, who make up a significant portion of the American healthcare system, are an important element of the future nursing workforce. Nearly 300,000 certified nurse practitioners in America provide vital healthcare to a nation with a shortage of doctors.

Family nurse practitioners that are authorized to practice independently may help to address this shortage. As we transition to a new era of nursing, the independent nursing career is undoubtedly one to watch, with a median compensation of over $113,000, ranking it as the fifth-best profession in America.

Higher Education Will Be Required Of Nurses

The IMO study recommended that more nurses get their BSNs, but also encouraged them to seek graduate degrees, particularly Ph.D. degrees. A master's degree is sufficient for nurses to work as NPs, but most institutions nowadays need a doctorate, a degree less than 1% of nurses possess. As a result, there’s a scarcity of nursing professors, leading some institutions to reject eligible nursing students.

About 75,000 nursing candidates were dismissed, according to a 2018–2019 survey owing to a faculty shortage. Schools cannot hire more teachers for various reasons, including a lack of financing. According to a recent report, 30% of professor seats remained unfilled because the institution could not locate qualified applicants. The nurse educator shortage is also anticipated to persist for many of the same grounds as the doctors and nurses shortages. Over the coming years, many aging educators are anticipated to retire. Who will train the next generation?

States and institutions are making a lot of effort to address the issue by procuring government funding, gathering information, and providing scholarships where they can. It increasingly looks like today's nurses are the ones who will ultimately shape nursing in the future. It would be excellent for skilled nurses who enjoy teaching to get advanced degrees so that aspiring nurses might benefit from their knowledge.

Men Will Be More Likely To Work In Nursing

Perhaps there will be a little more gender diversity in nursing in the future. It's easy to understand why men are thinking of a career in the nursing industry, given the job security, excellent benefits, and competitive pay that the profession offers.

Fewer than 2% of the nursing staff in the 1960s were male. The percentage of men working in nursing has increased to 13%, which is a significant improvement that’s still growing as society increasingly moves away from the assumption that nursing jobs are only for women.

Nursing is a noble profession that demands commitment and hard work. The compensation is excellent, the potential is limitless, and nurses go home each day acknowledging that they had a tremendous impact on someone else. Nursing is a profession that’s open to anyone.

A Large Number Of Nurses Will Opt To Specialize

In the future, nursing specialization is projected to increase. Nurses have a range of specialties they may pick from, and specializing can increase one's pay, particularly if the specialization is in great demand. There are several specializations, such as:

  • Deputy Nurse Manager
  • Case Management
  • Lead Nurse
  • Specialist in Clinical Development
  • Healthcare Informatics
  • Control of Infection
  • Nurse Educator
  • Quality Control

Specializing RNs could be shaping the future of healthcare, whether they have direct or indirect patient contact. Whether working directly or indirectly with patients, RNs who specialize may lead the future of nursing.

Telehealth Will Become More Popular

We have access to a wealth of knowledge in the modern digital age. Our lives are made simpler by apps, instructional videos, and automated reminders. Telehealth aims to improve modern healthcare by utilizing this technology. Patient portals are being used in primary care practices to give clients 24/7, easy access to private and personalized health records.

Patient portals operate through secure websites or apps thanks to easy internet access, allowing medical professionals to submit test results, prescribed medications, and other documents for clients to view. Patients may even schedule follow-up appointments, ask questions, and obtain prescription refills through some portals.

However, telehealth doesn’t end there. It offers a wide range of additional features and fascinating opportunities, such as pre-set alarms that remind patients to monitor their bodies or take pills, apps that assist with diabetic management, and even monitoring patients with pacemakers and sleep apnea. Future nursing systems will likely be more technologically advanced.

Nurses Must Have A Strong Understanding Of Technology

The nursing profession will be directly impacted by increased telehealth applications. Healthcare facilities and hospitals will have to continue offering continuous training to guarantee that their personnel stays updated with the quickly evolving technology. Nurses are currently required to keep up with new technology that's already being implemented.


Although it could seem intimidating, technology has been shown to save lives in the medical field. Every innovative, improved system has enhanced patient care. Nurses will undoubtedly demonstrate that this is also true as they collectively advance toward a promising future in nursing.